
Our Participants Have Spoken

Whether a long-time overdraft program manager or new to JMFA OVERDRAFT PRIVILEGE®, you’ll learn plenty of important lessons and strategies for your bank or credit union from the JMFA Academy Advanced Program Management session. Participants praise the course as a worthwhile endeavor for all levels of overdraft experience. Here are just a few testimonials from our clients:

  • Tricia Cross, VP of Retail Operations, Navigant Credit Union

    On continual program improvement:
    “The JMFA Academy took the initial on-site training we received when we implemented JMFA OVERDRAFT PRIVILEGE® to the next level. It was a great refresher on the basics and provided additional information about the resources available through Privilege Manager CRM® software that will help us to continually improve our program results.”

    On (re)discovering Privilege Manager CRM® software capabilities:
    “When you use certain software functions for a long time, sometimes you don’t think about all of the additional options that can facilitate your operations and improve your results. The JMFA Academy highlighted some things we had forgotten and shed light on applications we didn’t know were available through Privilege Manager CRM® software. We believe this information will greatly benefit our program going forward.”

    On the importance of training for all:
    “Two big challenges for maintaining a successful overdraft program are staff turnover and training for new employees. It can be challenging to make sure everyone has a thorough understanding of the program, along with the confidence to share the information effectively with members. Training is essential. So, for me the timing of the JMFA Academy was perfect. When I returned to the credit union, a new-hire training class was just beginning. I observed that our in-house trainer was using JMFA’s guidelines, which gives me more confidence that we have a good handle on staff training. I know we are regularly reinforcing what JMFA tells us to do.”

  • Elizabeth Rose, VP, Retail Product Manager, for Independent Bank, MI

    On the experience as a whole:
    “I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect when I signed up for the JMFA Academy session. But we were re-evaluating our overdraft program’s performance and wanted to do everything we could to optimize our partnership with JMFA to get the best possible results. Talking to some of the other attendees helped to reinforce the program changes that JMFA had recommended to improve our results. I wish I would have attended sooner!

    On peer-to-peer learning:
    “The JMFA Academy was a great opportunity to interact one-on-one with JMFA’s experts, as well as attendees from other banks that are using JMFA OVERDRAFT PRIVILEGE®. It was helpful to gain insight into how other JMFA clients are getting great results with their programs, and I learned some key elements of success and best practices that will help to make improvements in our program going forward.

    On getting back to basics:
    “Getting the ‘back to the basics’ on overdraft compliance and discussing why an overdraft program is an important product offering for customers was very helpful! This is such an important part of the training that can benefit staff at all levels.

    On expanding reporting knowledge:
    “I learned some additional reporting features of Privilege Manager® CRM software that will be very useful in how we gather information and track our program results.”

  • Licia Martins, Retail Operations Manager, Navigant Credit Union

    On attending as a team:
    “It was definitely helpful for our retail operations staff to attend the JMFA Academy together. The presentations provided excellent information and advice that we could implement immediately upon returning to the credit union. The class size was conducive to lively group discussions, as well as personalized attention from JMFA’s expert consultants. We loved it and have recommended the Academy for credit union colleagues who maintain other aspects of our overdraft program.”

    On key learnings:
    “The JMFA Academy presentations provided a thorough review of the key elements of a successful overdraft program. We learned how to better utilize tracking and reporting functions to increase overall results, as well as the benefits of maintaining records of overdraft notifications to improve member communications and satisfy compliance examiners.”

  • Steve Foley, CEO, Bragg Mutual Federal Credit Union, NC

    On the value of additional training resources:
    “Having empowered employees who are engaged, confident and understanding of their job responsibilities was a goal I set when I took on the leadership role at Bragg Mutual,” Foley said. He believes the additional JMFA training was a wise investment of time that would benefit employees, members, and the credit union.

    On the impact of having staff attend:
    “Our staff members came back from the Academy supercharged with knowledge of how to do their jobs better, but more importantly, they understood the significance of their jobs.”

    After having two staff members that work directly with the overdraft program attend the training session, Foley immediately noticed a change as the employees demonstrated:

    • A better understanding of program processes and procedures, and increased awareness of ongoing compliance expectations;
    • A realization of the significance of how their job fits into the big picture of the credit union’s performance and member service goals;
    • Increased confidence in their ability to explain the program to other employees as well as members; and
    • A renewed commitment to continuous improvement.


For more information, to provide feedback or if you have questions, please contact Melanie Swift at
832-390-2192 or email her.


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