Navigating Overdraft Fee Reduction with Confidence


Cheryl Lawson |

Six Essential Tips for Adapting to Regulatory Changes and Enhancing Consumer Value

Regulators have increasingly sharpened their focus on overdraft programs, pushing financial institutions to provide transparent and responsible overdraft services. Despite good intentions, not all overdraft programs align with standards designed to minimize consumer harm, a concern that must be addressed seriously. Over the past year, regulators have been outspoken about eliminating problematic overdraft practices, underscoring that overdrafts remain a top supervisory priority. As a result, some community financial institutions made drastic changes that missed the mark in prioritizing consumer value.

For those approaching this with caution, there’s an opportunity to make meaningful adjustments that will deliver long-term benefits. As consumer needs for overdraft services persist, the product itself—driven by advances in payment technology, shifting expectations, and increased market competition—is evolving. Additionally, compliance pressures and litigation risks highlight the need for thoughtful adaptation and a critical reassessment of how overdraft programs are structured.

Rethinking Fee Structures to Reduce Consumer Harm

According to a CFPB report, banks collected approximately $5.8 billion in overdraft and NSF fees in 2023, approximately $1.8 billion lower than in 2022, reflecting a 24% decrease. While the data is not representative of all financial institutions, the bureau emphasized that some of the nation’s largest banks have reported decreases in overdraft/NSF revenue. This shift suggests an awareness of the need to better align with consumer needs and mitigate reputational risks.

The national average overdraft fee is around $35 per incident, with some financial institutions charging additional continuous overdraft fees, which can add up to $100 or more over a few days. While reducing the overdraft fee amount may seem like a straightforward solution, it’s only one element of a comprehensive strategy.

To truly offer consumers value, financial institutions should ensure that their overdraft programs include features that minimize harm and offer genuine support. Considerations might include allowing transfers from savings or credit lines, setting caps on daily fees, providing a grace period, and establishing a negative balance threshold. Aligning fee amounts with market standards and structuring programs to prioritize service are also essential steps.

Creating a Consumer-Centric Overdraft Service

Beyond the fee, it’s important to address the other aspects that affect the consumer experience. Establishing reasonable fees, clearly disclosing program details, reducing back-end charges from merchants, and positioning the service as a supportive resource rather than a penalty is crucial.

It’s about offering a solution that truly serves the consumer.

Tips for Re-evaluating Overdraft Practices

  1. Review and Update Fee Disclosures: Ensure all fees are transparent and consistent across all account holder communications.
  2. Train Staff: Conduct regular training to ensure frontline staff understand and communicate the program effectively.
  3. Enhance Processes and Procedures: Perform a comprehensive evaluation and implement substantive changes prioritizing the consumer experience.
  4. Analyze Fee Structures: Understand how your program is being used and analyze market data to determine appropriate fee structures.
  5. Utilize Technology Effectively: Partner with technology providers to ensure systems provide accurate reporting and functions that meet regulatory requirements.
  6. Engage with Regulators: Maintain open lines of communication with regulators and seek guidance as needed.

By following this methodology, financial institutions can build a compliant, consumer-friendly overdraft protection program that withstands regulatory scrutiny and supports business goals.


With regulators reaffirming their stance on overdraft fees, financial institutions must align with regulatory standards to reduce consumer costs. The best approach begins with re-evaluating procedures, including fee amounts, and adopting consumer-friendly practices. It’s one of the best ways to avoid examiner criticism, build consumer trust, and foster long-term relationships.

For personalized assistance and expert guidance, our team is here to help you navigate these challenges and ensure your overdraft protection program remains both compliant and consumer-focused.


For more on this topic, check out our webinar, Overdraft: strike a balance between delivering exceptional service and safeguarding financial stability”

Contact your local representative to learn more about what we offer or how to receive a complimentary evaluation.

ADVANTAGE is a leading provider of consultation services for credit unions and community banks. With a long-standing 40-year history of excellence, we help our clients navigate the ever-changing financial landscape, providing solutions that give them a competitive advantage. Our services include account acquisition, overdraft compliance consulting, contract negotiation, and technology strategy and selection.  From growing market share and improving non-interest income to contract negotiations and technology strategy, our experts offer you and your account holders the best solutions.

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